Why Social-Emotional Learning Is A Core Competency In The Coming Future

Why Social-Emotional Learning Is A Core Competency In The Coming Future?

date_rangeMay 01, 2020

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is a phenomenon that has found its way to India. In the era of social media dominance, SEL has established itself a phenomenon that aims to focus on education from a different standpoint.

If you’re a parent and are on the lookout to hook your kid with a program that’s different from the clutter, this is perfect for you:

  • Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) is not therapy! It is all about character education. With Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), your child will learn the art of self-love and self-care, no other course/program does it as narrowly as Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) does.
  • Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) programs are recommended because your child will master the skill of learning. So for example, if your kid is interested in learning karate and, as a parent, you would like them to come out on top quickly and better than others, Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) is the first step. 
  • Your child may be intelligent and sharp. But what do you know about his or her emotional intelligence? It’s 2020, and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) teaches, trains and mentors kids to be emotionally hands-on; and it is a huge character plus to have!

 The Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum design pushes all the right buttons in your child – aims at academic improvement, increased socialization, self-care, and improved behavior personally and in public.


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